Here you can browse all our upcoming, scheduled tours, both for 2024 and 2025 (check the button)
Here’s an extended version of our Iraq tour, which also includes Kurdistan
Join us on this adventure across the region of Hadramut in Yemen mainland
Our classic 8-day itinerary during the best month of the year
Our first expedition to the one of the most hermetic countries in the world
Here’s an extended version of our Iraq tour, which also includes Fallujah, Basra and Kurdistan
Our classic Libya expedition
Our first expedition to Socotra was just launched!
Our second expedition to the most hermetic country in Africa
Join us in our first expedition to the breakaway territory of Somaliland
One of or most demanded expeditions, with the Iron Ore train!
Your last chance this year to ride the Iron Ore Train
Join us on this overlanding adventure across the region of Hadramut in Yemen mainland. This tour is for Spanish-speaking people only.
Here’s an extended version of our Iraq tour for Spanish-speaking people. This also includes Kurdistan.
Our classic itinerary during Christmas time!
Join us in Socotra during the most fun date of the year!
Our first expedition ever to Venezuela. Includes Canaima, Los Llanos, Mérida and the Caribbean coast!
Our 7th Mauritania Expedition, with the Iron Ore train
Join us on this 3rd expedition to Eritrea, this time with the biggest celebration in all Eritrea: Timkat
Our 8th Mauritania Expedition, with the Iron Ore train
Our Libya expedition, this time with the forgotten east!
Our second round for West + East Libya
Our last tour to Iraq before the beginning of Ramadan
Last expedition to Socotra before the beginning of Ramadan
Our forth expedition to the most hermetic country in Africa
Our classic itinerary during the holiest month of the year in Syria
Our second tour to Turkmenistan will be during the celebration of Nowruz
Our regular Kurdistan tour during Kurdish New Year celebration
For the second time, we are adding Fallujah & Basra to our itinerary
Our classic itinerary during the magic of Easter
Our classic Mauritania Expedition during Easter
Let's take advantage of the pleasant Mediterranean weather and come to Syria before the beginning of summer.
Join our expedition to Pakistan, and explore off the beaten track areas in the north.
From Latakia to Arwad, Palmyra and Aleppo, this is the most complete itinerary for Syria.
Here’s an extended version of our Iraq tour, which also includes, Basra and Kurdistan
Our very first expedition combining Eritrea + Somaliland
Our classic itinerary in Eritrea, round 6